Touring Sound Booth presenting a collection of women’s contemporary stories of activism


We were commissioned by Dreadnought South West to design and build a touring Sound Booth for a growing collection of audio recordings about women's contemporary stories of activism.


2018 commemorated the centenary of the very first votes for some women in 1918. This change would not have been possible without the female suffrage activists, militant suffragettes and law-abiding suffragists, who campaigned for women’s democratic rights over one hundred years ago.

Dreadnought South West’s Rebellious Sounds Archive seeks to explore the ways in which women in the South West have continued to contribute to activism, in all its forms, over the past 100 years.

The Listening Booth is designed to look like a voting booth to remind users of the centenary of the right to vote for some women. Excerpts from the oral histories collected for the Rebellious Sounds Archive have been loaded on to interactive voting cards. Listeners put on a pair of headphones and choose a voting card to place in the slot; this will play their chosen story of women's activism. 

The Rebellious Sounds Archive is the very first community archive of stories of women’s activism and was funded by Heritage Lottery Fund.

The Listening Booth toured across the south west throughout 2019, enabling women’s voices to be heard in an exciting new way, and collecting more stories along the way. New locations are in progress for 2020 and 2021.



Jo Lathwood - fabrication
Pete Bennett - tech support


February 2018 - ongoing

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