Tangible Memories App

Print-on-demand books with interactive sound recordings


The Tangible Memories App grew out of an academic collaboration with the University of Bristol, exploring new digital tools designed for older people living in care settings, with a particular focus on the stories connected to objects.


The Tangible Memories app allows people to record stories that are meaningful to them and their loved ones and listen back to them in easy and accessible ways. You can create pages that combine an audio recording with a photo and text. These can be viewed within the app, shared on an external screen or printed into books. When printed, the audio recordings are represented by beautiful shell illustrations. The scan function within the app recognises the shells on each printed page and, as if by magic, plays back your audio recordings, allowing you to hear the voices you have recorded directly from the pages. 


Try the app for yourself by downloading it from the iTunes App Store, search for: Tangible Memories.



University of Bristol project, funded by the AHRC (Arts and Humanities Research Council) through capital funding from the Connected Communities and Digital Transformations themes.


October 2013 - ongoing


University of Bristol
Alive! activities - enriching the lives of older people in care and training their carers
seGames - app development
The residents and staff from numerous care settings who helped design and test the app.

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